Personal Limits

It was really a beautiful evening to fly. The winds were out of the north at about 5 knots. I could already see the sun beginning to set painting a rustic glow across the rich blue sky. The sweet bird that was my magic carpet for the first solo completed months before sat with eager anticipation. She knew that we were about to depart this earth. The bond that develops between a pilot and her plane is something almost spiritual. There is a union that comes from the singularly surreal experience of soaring like a bird together. Body and machine become one as we both trust each other in the air.

That Saturday, however, something felt different. I couldn’t put my finger on it. So beginning  my pre flight check and pushed the butterflies aside. After all, this was not my first solo flight. I had successfully piloted 972 all by myself several times. Tonight would be no different.  Yet with each item checked off the list my hesitation grew. Something wasn’t right. Was it me or the airplane? My mind questioned, “What the heck?” Within the next few minutes I decided not to fly. And with that came another more looming thought. “Had I lost my nerve? Why was I second guessing my ability?”  

This feeling wasn’t new. This anxiety was often present early in my training. I would struggle to maintain smooth and level flight while being buffeted by a cross wind. It got under my skin and made me fight for control. A casual word from my instructor to relax and go with the flow eased my tension. I needed to ride the waves so to speak. I needed to trust what I couldn’t see.

So here it was again that same gnawing feeling in my gut. My husband walked out from the FBO and I saw the question in his eyes. He asked if I was alright and I couldn’t answer except to say that there would be no flight for me tonight.

He helped me pull 972 over to her tie down spot under the overhang without a word. He must have sensed my confusion because he didn’t push the subject. We secured the plane and headed back to the FBO. When he reached for my hand I couldn’t grasp it, I wasn’t ready to be vulnerable. During the next 12 hours a battle raged in my head. It wasn’t until the next morning that clarity arrived.

The truth was that the opportunity to fly that day had been a surprise. We had reserved the airplane for Sunday, but Saturday was clear and calm and 972 was available. My husband had called me at work with the news. My answer was yes and he booked us in.

But that was the last time I thought of flying until we closed the doors at the bank four hours later. In between was the busiest and most hectic that I had experienced at our branch. The line for the teller window was seven deep all day and the lobby was full. It was crazy nonstop for everyone. Though busy was always preferred over slow this was over the top. But our team pulled together and we got it done. Customers were happy and we had fun meeting the challenge.

With a quick stop home to pick up my flight bag and let the doggies out, feed them and change my clothes I headed my Jeep to 1G5. Once I got to the FBO I took Stephens place behind the counter so he could fly and again had nonstop customer traffic taking payments, answering the phone and scheduling flights. It was a fun and enjoyable time at the airport.

Needless to say, there had been no time to mentally prepare for flight. No time to check the weather for myself or think about my route of flight once airborne or put myself into a PIC (Pilot in Command) condition. I hadn’t put on my pilots cap yet.

It’s not like jumping in my Jeep and heading to the mall. It’s not like grabbing a bicycle and heading down the driveway. It’s not like donning tennis shoes and starting a morning run listening to traveling music. Flying an airplane requires your head to be completely in the game. This is a process that begins, for me, way before putting on the headset.

What I was feeling was not a loss of nerve. It was simply the warning to make a good decision. My gut knew what my mind had not caught up to yet. I was not mentally prepared to fly. History proves that the best safety decisions are made while on the ground. It’s never a matter of can I fly. It’s always a matter of should I fly.

It was the next morning that it all became clear. I was finally able to text my flight instructor back and answer his question. Yes. Everything was okay. I made a safety call and was no longer embarrassed. I was secure in knowing that for that day and that flight a tough choice was made and it was a good one.

I am so grateful for this experience early in my career. Slowly my backpack of knowledge is filling up not only with textbook information but also with practical experience. When I am finally ready to teach Ground School to a crop of new students, not only can I teach from those books but also from personal experience. I will be able to encourage and caution them that flying is not only knowledge based endeavor but a physical and emotional endeavor as well. Since most accidents can be avoided by good decision making before the prop is twirling, setting personal limits well beforehand is imperative to flight safety.  

Charlene M Campanella © 2017